Wednesday 20 June 2018

The Latest Bridgend Town Wandering

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Well yesterday I was able to spend sometime in Bridgend Town. Which regular readers will know I like to visit from time to time even though I don't live there anymore (though I still work in the area).

Let's start with some well, not bad news. As far as I could see it there were no new shop closures (leaving aside the indoor market, which I'll chat about in a moment) though I couldn't see any new shops either. That survey of course being as unscientific as can be.

There are four regular spots I use to chat about Bridgend Town. Beginning with the McDonald's. That's the shop that was closed down in 2000. Left to rot for seventeen years. Demolished last December and seemingly nothing happening since well....

(Note the Apathy graffiti. I'll come back to that later).

The Nolton Street Arcade. Where aside from the two shops that lead onto the street every other retail outlet is empty. Well I'm afraid no change there.

The Bridgend Indoor Market: Well I'm not going to talk about that today as there has been a proposed plan to deal with it as explained by the blog which deals specifically with Bridgend Council issues Oggy Bloggy Ogwr (specific post and therefore more detailed than I could explain. Also I'm not the type of person who piggybacks on the work of another blogger. So I won't comment on it until September when I plan to visit again to see whether the plan has made any difference.

Mind you I do need to mention that the Christmas decorations I chatted about last week are still up there.

And finally for all you Phones4U fans out there.

Your mobile nostalgia is still there
Recently Bridgend Town was in the UK news because of a picture of young men allegedly high on the drug Spice in broad daylight. This was where they allegedly "did the deed"

The most famous benches in Bridgend

Now what I'm going to say is pure speculation. Let me stress that. But the building behind these benches is the local job centre. I wondered whether there's a link here. Whether they just allegedly felt that drugs was the only thing they had left. Or perhaps I'm just a bleeding heart Nationalist?

Another Apathy Graffiti
Whatever the reason yesterday the police were nearby in case there was a repeat.

On Duty

So unless anything unexpected occurs I'll be back in September.

Until the next time.

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