Thursday 27 September 2018

The Most Idiotic Interview In The History Of S4C

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

As regular readers will know I'm a fan of the Welsh language TV channel S4C. But this week in the political programme Yn Byd Yn Ei Le it (or ITV Wales the production company involved) did something incredibly stupid.

I've mentioned before that, especially since Brexit, the Welsh language has been subject to snipings from the far right. Essentially the argument that it's "a dead language".

The latest recruit to this people to the right of Ghengis Khan point of view on a nation speaking it's native language is Katie Hopkins. Right wing mouth and woman with financial problems (a right winger who has money issues - there's a certain satisfaction in that).

Well S4C allowed this woman an interview.

So the question is why. She's not a politician. She has no obvious influence on the issue. Yet there was S4C the Welsh language channel giving her a platform criticising the Welsh language. I won't go into detail on her views, but, well, you can imagine.

I would argue that one of the reasons why BBC News is questioned more about it's objectivity is that it appears to bend over backwards to be nice to it's enemies. S4C should not fall into the same trap. After all if Ms Hopkins is against Welsh language education don't you think she has the same view on S4C itself?

And it's even pointless for Ms Hopkins herself. Who but the most thicko of right wing thickos after watching a Welsh language programme would think "You know what? She's right. I'm not going to speak Welsh anymore".

S4C should be a bastion against attacks on the Welsh language. What it shouldn't do is fawn on it's enemies.

Until the next time.

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