Tuesday 11 December 2018

The Best Thing About Shift Work? That You're Too Busy To Know Britain Is Further Humiliating Itself To The Rest Of The World. Let's Watch TV Comfort Food Instead

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

I can't remember whether I've said this before in my blog but one of the greatest disadvantages working shift work is the feeling that the rest of the world is doing things whilst you're just shunted by yourself earning some money. So that when you do return late in an evening, tired and hungry and for a few brief minutes wife/daughter tells you about their day you know that for that day anyway you have become a peripherally of their lives.

But when it comes to the British picture perhaps I'm wrong. After all what good would have done for me to watch Britain humiliate itself further by seeing Theresa May the sub-prime minister say that the vote on her EU deal would be postponed after saying that it wouldn't be. Of course she's done this before. Remember her saying that there wouldn't be a general election.

So whilst other countries are busy watching the destruction of whatever British influence it had left whilst at the same time nominating it for whatever international comedy awards are going I'm busy working to be aware of it all.

When I do come home then. There is absolutely nothing I can do that night to be involved. Most of the nation is preparing to go to sleep whilst I'm preparing a microwave meal. And when they wake up they'll know that yesterday in parliament was not a dream after all but a living nightmare.

Late at night then there is nothing but to indulge myself in TV comfort food for those last moments whilst I'm awake as I'm eating the [insert microwave meal here]. For the shift worker TV comfort food is specific. Nothing too demanding (you're nearly asleep). Preferably entertaining as well.

Currently my TV comfort food of choice turns out (as I mentioned as an aside before) the New Zealand detective series The Brokenwood Mysteries. It has exactly what comfort food requires. Amiable central  characters, interesting storylines, a different location to what you're used to so it fits the bill nicely. So much so that I'm ploughing through the (five) series on demand.....sorry Netflix.

What I will watch as comfort food if hard Brexit occurs and people are fighting over a packet of German Salami I don't know. For the moment though The Brokenwood Mysteries is on the menu.

Until the next time.

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