Friday 1 February 2019

The Need For Mr Chris Needs

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

As you can tell from writing this on Friday I did return home. I was advised that the main roads seemed fine and that as long as I was careful then everything should be OK. That is how it turned out to be.

Now that does not mean the journey was easy. There was the snow of course and those lorries that thought it was a good idea to overtake me on the motorway (I'm on the inside lane as well)  because I assumed it was a good idea to be slow because of the weather. I know. What was I thinking?

And the double caution approaching roundabouts, the need to follow clear unsnowed tracks on the road as the white stuff encroached.

There was a bit of humour. Perhaps black ice humour. As I was on the M4 the electronic roadsigns advised bilingually of "poor weather conditions". Really? Too late now!

But I got home. Announced to wife and daughter that "the snow warrior returns" (they were unimpressed).

What I do need to mention was my choice of Radio companion for the journey. Chris Needs is the late night host on BBC Radio Wales which is the station I felt I should listen to. His style is a curious mixture of flamboyance and garden fence conversation...but it works.

Now I don't normally listen to him because the music is mainly the disco, europop energy which does not in my ageing years fit to my easy listening tastes. That is not a criticism. That's just an issue of preference.

During the journey he seemed to be concentrating on his friendly chatty gossipy style. It worked for me. It didn't distract me from the task in hand but seemed calming. He illustrates again the difference between television and radio. With radio at it's best the voices can be a friend helping out even though you haven't met them.

So thankyou Mr Needs.

Until the next time.

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