Saturday 31 August 2019

The Insomniac Meanderings Post : The Almost September Edition

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

The first thing I need to say to regular readers, before I say anything else, is that I'm conscious that this blog is a little disjointed of late. This will continue for a while. Because within the next thirty days we will (at long last!) be moving.

Consequently things are being packed already. And in terms of the blog the learning of a few languages and the chats on movies for example will be put in storage until we've actually moved and bedded in. They will of course return. They are important to me.

Of course I'll still be reading (some things will never stop) but until we move it'll just be from the Kindle.

I am on this Saturday morning feeling as if I'm being drugged by kidnappers but I am awake. It's an odd feeling. Hopefully the cup of tea by my side will warm me up.

I also have a cold. September is coming. The weather outside is cloudy and grey. Rain is threatened.

Anyway a quick note on British Constitution. Only British Unionist politicians and academics would be proud of a constitution that isn't even written. Well now there are calls that there should be a written one. Thing is. It's too late. As I explained in my previous post Unionism as a philosophy is now dead. A written constitution will be the first document in history attempting to revive a corpse.

So independence is the way (there is even a Yes Cymru group for farmers I note). And when right wingers send me tweets regarding Wales being "too small etc" I just send them my recent post from the right wing magazine The Spectator about Iceland.

I am at this moment drafting a post suggesting that the worst case scenario for Brexit will be that the island Oliver Mcqueen gets stranded on is a perfect metaphor for what Britain will become. An article in the BBC News website today  discussing discussing the foraging of food does not help. After all surely such an article would have had more relevance in the summer not now (almost September). So why is this up there?

Anyway wife's awake. Things to do (and pack). Until the next time.

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