Saturday 21 September 2019

The Battle For Wales : How Mark Drakeford, David Cameron And The Queen Furthered The Cause Of Welsh Independence

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

This past week may seemingly have been quiet in the cause for Welsh independence but actually has been quite important and needs to be noted down.
Let's start with Welsh First Minister Mark "Jeremy's Disciple" Drakeford who in the Senedd earlier this week basically stated that the majority of Welsh people did not want independence. and basically tying himself and Welsh Labour to the Westminster Unionist fold that makes it part of the problem and not th solution.

Welsh Labour have been in recent weeks seemingly have pursued a twin track approach on the issue of independence. On the one hand there has been the fervent Unionists like Stephen Kinnock, the Labour MP we have chatted about previously on this blog talking up the "precious union" and talking down on Wales. As I've mentioned before about  Mr Kinnock (who in terms of Wales really is the London Planetarium of politics - Bald and pointless) he really needs to speak to his wife about small countries who are happily independent such as Iceland.I

But, including Drakeford, there have been another faction that has dipped it's tiny toe on the issue basically stating that under certain circumstances it cannot be ruled out. Thus the tactic seemingly is to muddy the waters and not lose further votes in local government elections to Plaid Cymru.

Now however by acting as he has done Drakeford has clearly fallen into line with what Jeremy and the Westminster head office want. There is no ambiguity anymore. Welsh Labour is part of the Unionist fold. It has, not for the first time, surrendered independence of thought.

Drakeford is right. At the moment the majority of Welsh people wish to stay in the union. But the polls show that support for independence is rising rapidly. Labour have been losing local by-elections to Plaid Cymru partly because it's clearly the party that seeks independence. It offers an alternative vision.What has happened in Scotland is happening in Wales. Many Labour voters are turning to Plaid. The loyalty to Welsh Labour is diminishing rapidly. Labour's nightmare is coming true.

Of course the twin track approach was always a stupid/opportunist strategy anyway but sticking to the Union come what may has/will damaged Labour and will continue to do so. Furthering the cause of independence in Wales.

So let's come to David Cameron and the Queen. I've not read Cameron's autobiography and have no wish to do so but this is the first political autobiography I can recall where the subject comes out of it even worse than before publication.

Of course Cameron came into this on a particular low ebb anyway. Not only did he call the Brexit referendum but then clearly as Prime Minister ran it so badly. Allowing the  Leave campaign to  make the running . Furthermore after having lost  the referendum he immediately resigns from the mess he created. Running away I'd argue to spend more time with his money.

Whatever you think of Theresa May, at least she tried.

Initially the focus of the coverage has been on Brexit, and specifically his views on Boris Johnson  and Michael Gove. But later it turned on events surrounding the  Scottish  independence referendum of 2014. where he revealed  he asked the Queen to act in support of the union during the campaign. Obliquely she did. Stating that people should "think very carefully" before  casting their vote.

As we all know the Unionist side won the referendum though subsequent events suggest that for the SNP it was  a defeat but of  a battle not the war.

Whether the Queen's remarks influenced voters who knows?  But it  might have done.

Now the  Disunited Kingdom media are focusing on the Queen's displeasure and the breach of royal protocol. Something I'm sure discussed in foodbanks everywhere. But there  is no denial that the story is true.

However the important point  in terms of  a Welsh  independence referendum is this. No Prime Minister will be able to  use a member of  the Royal family as a weapon  for Unionism again  If they try they will be attacked as a tool of Unionists, a puppet. Indeed the position of the monarchy itself  within Wales  would  be under threat.

A Unionist weapon has been neutralised by a Unionist. Oh the irony.

All in all then. A good week for Welsh independence.

Until the next time.

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