Pelican Paperbacks

Vintage Pelican Paperbacks (Read)

A4 - Sir Leonard Woolley

A28 - Civilization - Clive Bell
A99 - W E Williams - A Book of English Essays
A121 - W W Sawyer - Mathematician's Delight
A128 - W G Fearnsides - O M B Bulman - Geology in the Service of Man

A194 - Otto Schwarz -The Psychology of Sex 


A402 The Pelican Guide To English Literature 5 Edited by Boris Ford:
A402 The Pelican Guide To English Literature 5 Edited by Boris Ford
A442 - James A.Coleman - Relativity for the Layman:
A442 - James A.Coleman - Relativity for the Layman

A715 - G M Trevelyan - British History in the Nineteeth Century and After. 1782-1919
A858 - Mark Frankland - Khrushchev:
A858 - Mark Frankland - Khrushchev

Pelican Paperbacks (Post ISBN) Unread

Europe Since 1870 - James Joll

J C Kincald - Poverty and Equality in Britain

Linda Nochlin - Realism:
Linda Nochlin - Realism

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