Wednesday 30 March 2016

Why I'm Going To Join Plaid Cymru

This I must admit has been brewing for a while now, but yesterday I decided to join Plaid Cymru.

Obviously it's the South Wales Steel situation that has pushed me over the edge. I know Port Talbot and it's a nice town. Although no one would say that the steelworks were a thing of beauty there are many things to laud about the place. For example if you compare the town centre to that of Bridgend's I know which one is better.

You could spend a pleasant few hours wandering around the promenade near Hollywood Beach, near Afan Lido football club.

They seem to me to be a proud people with a great deal to be proud about......but all their achievements are now in danger because of the Tata Steel decision to sell off their UK steel business.

We have a Conservative government apparently happy to let cheap Chinese steel flood the market (It's China policy being  summarised in one word...surrender) and yet not lifting a finger to help the indigenous industry. The lives of steelworkers and their families may be sacrificed on the altar of right wing economic theory. At time of writing the UK parliament is not being recalled to discuss the situation. Presumably because the people affected are mainly Welsh,mainly non Tory voters and not bankers.

As for Labour both at a UK and Welsh levels they seem to be impotent in dealing with this potential disaster. I listen to the First Minister of Wales and all I'm feeling is compassionate waffle.

And so I'm thinking if a whole town is potentially damaged by this decision what is the point of Wales staying in the UK? If Wales had been an independent nation then its hands would not have been tied and good,decent people would not have their lives put in danger this way because they would have had a government that would have fought for them, and only them.

Which leads me to Plaid Cymru.

Now as I've said before this has been brewing for a while. Labour has been the dominant party of government in the National Assembly since its creation. Yet Health and particularly education services have declined on its watch thanks to its Tory lite policies. What I see is a political movement that is living off past glories to hide present day failings. They act as if they have a god given right to control Wales from the privileged comfort of the Senedd.

And don't get me started on Bridgend Council (well not for today anyway). Let's say for now I'm not impressed by the way they run the area with all the skill of Laurel and Hardy without the laughs.

The policies of Plaid Cymru were always something that I was comfortable with anyway but the news about the steelworks have made me feel that I should do "my bit" to bring about a fair and independent nation.

Life as an independent state would not be easy. Life never is and mistakes would be made. But at least the people living in Wales would have a greater control of their own destiny than at present.

Of course being English this all seems rather odd. But I can't hide how I feel. For various reasons I won't be able to do this for a few weeks. When I do though I'll chat about it then

Until the next time.


  1. Compare the Scottish Governments reaction to that of the Labour Assembly.It was Pro-Active and willing to keep the Scottish Tata sites going while searching for those willing to buy them as going concerns
    It's not really that odd You have made a choice based on policy and instinct.Indeed if Plaid is to follow the success of the S.N.P they need non-Welsh born people to join.They must also start to build links with the Trade Union movement in Wales

  2. Our steel industry faces disaster because Wales is still dependent on Westminster. It's good to see people willing to fight back.

  3. Our steel industry faces disaster because Wales is still dependent on Westminster. It's good to see people willing to fight back.

  4. Well said and well done. And welcome! Wanting independence is not interchangeable with disliking the English. It has nothing to do with our movement, so don't worry about it.
