Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Warning : Bridgend Labour Council Are "Consulting" Again

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Firstly apologies in advance that a lot of things I'm going to write about today I've repeated from a previous post. But given that Bridgend Labour are "consulting" (ie asking whether you want your perfectly healthy arm or leg chopped off when the option you'd prefer, no organs chopped, is not on the table) I felt it was worthwhile returning to it.

Bridgend council currently fund certain bus routes mainly from isolated communities to the main towns in the area. This is what they want to withdraw completely and this is what the "consulting" is about.

They say it's because of the cuts in the grant by the Welsh Labour government. So remember. If Welsh Labour blames Welsh Labour then Welsh Labour is to blame.

So this consulting. If you live near the area affected even if you have a car you'll say "keep the route" in case your car doesn't work. If you don't then you wouldn't really care. That's human nature. It means nothing to the relevance of the service.

And let's not forget here that the commercial viability of the service is not the issue here. If it was commercial then the council wouldn't be funding it in the first place. It was there so that the venerable in our society could have access to the main towns and it's relevant services such as doctors, dentists and libraries (obviously the library bit doesn't include Bridgend Town).

So again as in Cardiff the proposed closure of the bus service affects the very people that the Labour party are supposed to support. At least the Labour party aren't throwing them under the bus as there would be no bus rolling over them!

And remember this. At a time when Bridgend Town in particular is on it's knees withdrawing support means less chance for people to spend money in the town shops. So further damaging the local economy.

Again a cut that's not been thought through.

Welsh Labour in Bridgend and Cardiff. Supporting the community....unless you travel by bus.

Until the next time.

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