Sunday 11 August 2019

Gordon Is Not A Moron......But Britain Is Not Sleepwalking Into Oblivion. It's All Too Awake.

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Regular readers will know that I'm a fan of the idea of parallel universes. So you have to wonder how the rest of the Disunited Kingdom would have fared if Scotland had voted for a independence in the 2014 referendum. I say this as one of the people who is apparently credited for the result going the other way, ex Prime Minister Gordon Brown, has written an article arguing that the Disunited Kingdom is "sleepwalking into oblivion" amid nationalism.

It's an interesting article and worth a chat. But let's start with the statement that is grabbing the headlines. Britain is not sleepwalking into oblivion. It's jumping head first into it.

Again the parallel universe digression. What would have happened to the structure of Britain had the EU referendum voted to Remain? Who knows? But I suspect the pretence of the Union of a United Kingdom within the European Union would have remained.

But Brexit is about to happen. And the combination of potential Irish reunification, an emboldened Scottish push for independence and here in Wales, that voted for Leave, an increased support to become free means the move towards independence for the Celtic nations is not one as a result of any midnight wanderings. We know what we're doing.

What has pushed independence ironically enough is not the result itself but the absolute cack handed way the "British" government in Westminster have handled the situation concerning Brexit since. History won't need to judge the governments of Teresa May and Boris Johnson as incompetent. Those of us living through these times know that already.

After all the Baboon Johnson tactic is now to go all second world war and spirit of the blitz with the possibility of rationing and shortages not impossible. Thing is Winston Churchill didn't start the war. Nor did he fight them in the beaches by leading the people over a cliff top first.

One of the failures of Gordon Brown's article is the lumping together of the "Nationalisms" of the four nations. I've chatted about before that Scottish/Welsh Nationalism does not say "We're better than you". It offers a more tolerant vision for people who were born and live there. But a vision that does not require acceptance by people working near a big clock many miles away. English nationalism on the other hand seems to be moving towards a sort of Sieg Hilelism with every day that passes. The point is the lumping of these very different Nationalist philosophies is a Labour trick which for example the Welsh government finance minister has used before. It is, let's be clear, the response of the desperate.

As I read this article he states that even a post Brexit Scotland will face thousands of job losses as a result of withdrawing from Europe. But this is not an argument to stay in a Union that has caused this turmoil in the first place. As I've said regarding Wales the benefits of independence will not be seen immediately. Rome was not built in a day but it was built. But independence will offer the Celtic nations a vision, a future. Whereas sticking with Westminster will only offer the temporary comfort of an abusive partner.

Gordon Brown's article is that of a man who knows full well that events are moving against his Unionist philosophy. Events that will lead to the break-up of this Disunited Kingdom are seemingly inevitable. He would do the Celtic nations a better service in helping them plan for the future than moaning from the sidelines.

Until the next time.

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