Sunday 20 August 2017

Crazy Like A Fox (Or How International Trade Might Eventually Cause The Breakup Of The UK)

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Well I suspect most people in Britain have learnt more about trade deals since the EU referendum than we have ever wanted to know. But essentially however complicated it will be dressed up any UK trade deals will boil down to a few facts:

1) The UK government will sell to anyone. No matter what evil stench they produce.

2) The UK government is desperate ......and the rest of the world knows it.

And in that atmosphere we have learnt that the current secretary of State for trade, Liam Fox, is seeking cabinet approval that any post Brexit trade deal will not need the approval of the Welsh and Scottish devolved administrations.

Presumably the reason for this is that should the UK sign any trade deal with let's say Ruritania he doesn't want any delay before waving to the TV cameras that he has in his hand "a piece of paper" and possibly hyping up a document that on closer examination may lead to trade surrender.

But the approval of the Welsh and Scottish administrations are there for a reason. They will know the effects of any agreement on indigenous industries and the local area so it is their duty to protect them from the consequences of a botched deal.

Let's give an example. I've heard more than once Nigel Farage talk about "New Zealand lamb". But should the deal be flawed it might endanger the Welsh lamb industry. It might allow for the flood of cheap lamb without any reciprocity. Would London be able to do its research on the Welsh lamb industry without consulting Cardiff? I have my doubts.

Now we all know what the Brexiteers will say. This a matter for London and not  Cardiff/Edinburgh. Fox is pursuing the will of the majority of the British people. However we all know that the Scots sort to remain and everywhere else in the UK people voted for the destination but not the route to get there. Also the Cardiff/Edinburgh governments were democratically elected as well. They have every right to fight for the people living in Wales/Scotland.

The Brexiteers will also say that the Celtic regions can be represented by their respective  Secretary of States. However these men are not democratically elected by the entire people of the countries whose offices they hold. If we take professional slimeball Alun Cairns Secretary of State for Wales as an example I've explained in an earlier post how he considers the London imposed building of super prisons as a business skills opportunity. He's not a man of the people but a Conservative freak

Within the EU regional governments were able to block trade deals they saw as damaging to their locality. It would be a great irony that after "taking back control" it would be London that would take it back from Cardiff/Edinburgh as well.

So let us say that trade agreements are reached that damage industries and consequently regions in Wales/Scotland. What this will cause is resentment/then anger amongst the people there. The call will rise for the people living in Scotland/Wales to break free of London rule because of the consequences of any botched trade deal. These people will vote for independence in their lives because London rule damaged their and their families' future. This will not happen at breakneck speed....but it will happen.

I've explained before that those of us who believe in independence do not want a scenario where it's achieved through the misery of decent people suffering as a result of London policies. But should the input of Cardiff/Edinburgh regarding trade deals not be sort now it's consequences will be felt across the whole of the United Kingdom later.

Until the next time.

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