Tuesday 29 August 2017

The Insomnia Post

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Well at time of writing it's 4:45am in the morning. I've been awake since 4:35am. An improvement on the previous days but still too early. Insomnia bites again.

I get this from time to time in batches. It seems somehow worse this time. I sleep deeply through the night but then my eyes start to awake and cannot get back to dreamworld. Of course though, as I've said before you're not completely awake. Half asleep half awake. Not so much in the land of nod as zombieland.

Make a cup of tea. I need a cup of tea. A cup of tea is the nectar for me. All this world of coffee we're subjected to nowadays doesn't hide the fact that tea is what reaches me more.

I miss not being able to access TV sport channels because the internet stream is not fast enough. Not just because I miss watching my favourite teams but also sport is the perfect programme for the insomniac. A goal or a try does not require much concentration. Most other TV, whether catch up or not, doesn't really work for you (there are exceptions - you know my support for Professor T).

So instead the laptop has become my friend. I'm able first to look at the news headlines. Again today the world has been shaken by the actions of fat men with dodgy hairstyles, Brexit is the road sign to the cliff edge that the Conservatives appear to press the accelerator towards and Wales is just "and Wales" to the UK media.....so no change there then.

And then there's twitter and other stuff to wallow through. Something to do. Leaving aside my zombieworld state can't do anything like vacuuming in case I wake up wife/daughter....my excuse anyway.

It goes without saying during this latest batch that wife/daughter are having no problems with their sleep. They are sleeping not so much like logs as forests. They could go through alarm clocks, so for the moment that alarm clock is the not wideawake but awake one that is me.

It also goes without saying neither are the most sympathetic when sleep does catch up with me and I cannot control having an unwanted siesta sometime between eleven and two. But you have to have it. All of a sudden the urge for a nap overwhelms. So the sun is shining. outside those working nightshifts the world seems to be doing it's business whilst there's me having a nap.

What to do? I've tried sleeping late. A couple of days ago I deliberately went to bed at half past midnight. I woke up at nine minutes past three. Yesterday I went to bed at half past ten, before wife and (don't forget) daughter on summer holidays. Waking four thirty five is better....but no cure.

Both wife and my mother (!) suggest sleeping pills. Don't like it at all. If only because I feel it'll make my sleep patterns more tangled than they already are.

If my previous history is any guide then there will be a moment when it will just go. Mind you I'm not really sure when this one will finish though.

Until the next time.

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