Monday 1 July 2019

In Times Of National Crisis. Can Wales Turn To First Minister Mark Drakeford. Or As He's Known By Many "Who?"

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

So picture the scene. The Disunited Kingdom is in tatters post Brexit. Food shortages. Rioting. Rising unemployment. Prime Minister Baboon Boris sends in the military. "In flames" is the only good way to describe things at the moment.

Will it happen? Who knows? But the point is that no reasonable person will conclude that the scenario is impossible.

People will turn to their political leaders in such a crisis. In Wales the chief amongst them will First Minister Mark Drakeford. After all they wouldn't turn to Secretary of State Alun "Chucky" Cairns.

And therein lies the problem. Seven months into the job and Drakeford does not inspire. He looks and has acted like the Branch manager for Labour in Wales answering to Westminster head office run by his idol "Jeremy". In such a scenario that I've painted Wales would expect a response from it's First Minister that does not appear to have been cleared by the bearded one in London first.

I've spoken before of the clear difference in political stature between Nicola Sturgeon and Drakeford's predecessor Carwyn Jones. But the difference comparing her to Drakeford becomes one of Grand Canyon proportions.

(And as an aside current Welsh Labour politicians are not much better - They look like the Blair mould. People who look onto politics as a career and not a calling)

Already he has led Welsh Labour into disastrous third place in the recent European elections. Only after those elections has he advocated a second EU referendum. As they say timing is everything.

Furthermore that U turn comes after the announcement by Ford of the closure of the Bridgend engine plant. He has protested. Labour has protested. Blaming Ford and Brexit. But as we've chatted before they've been asleep at the wheel in monitoring the situation and Ford seem to listen to the First Minister in the same way I listen to my wife when football's on the TV. Seemingly understanding whilst concentrating om something else.

Let's just say that it's a No Deal Brexit. Drakeford would not have caused this scenario but he has done nothing that would turn London's mind either. They may not agree with Nicola Sturgeon. London may ignore what she says. But her stature means they will listen. That is the difference.

With an economy in crisis Drakeford has not shown the leadership that will pull a nation in together. Don't feel sorry for him. Before he was First Minister he was finance secretary. The Welsh economic situation has been on his watch for years.

Wales needs a leader. Not a disciple of "Jeremy". It needs a leader not a political Mr Magoo. Too short sighted to see the Welsh reality around him.

Until the next time.

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