Saturday 13 July 2019

Sports On A Budget : On Being A Sports Fan On Brexit Eve

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Whilst sport has been a feature of this blog from time to time moving to the apartment has made it feature less than it should be. Hard to take any interest in participating in sport when most of the stuff is in storage.

There have been other reasons that hinder me from being a fan as well. Obviously working a lot during the weekend doesn't help. Nor well the sheer effort involved in actually going to [insert venue here] seems to be greater the older you get. And that's not even participating.

You'd think the forthcoming move would fire me back to being more involved? Well no. the job/age issue is still there. Also being in the town of Penarth would mean that buying a bike has become a no-no. After all what's the point of cycling when you have to dress as if motorway maintenance and American football has been mixed up just to protect yourself? And that doesn't include what fumes from [insert vehicle here] you're actually breathing from.

There are obvious other sports that my age precludes me from considering because off the physical effort. Or marathon running, where my fear of dogs leads me to think they'll be looking at me and thinking meals on legs. Others, like tennis, are one of the few that I find just dull to watch let alone play. So obviously I'll need to adapt.

But on the horizon is also, like most things in this Disunited Kingdom now, Brexit. What effect is it going to have in the short/long term? Who knows? Are costs going to skyrocket? Will watching let alone participating become another elite activity? More than it already is already?

Hence Sports on a budget.

So as an experiment from next month will start more on sport. But with a limit of £5 a month on everything except the transport cost of going to a venue. It will be mainly in the Vale of Glamorgan and neighbouring Cardiff. But if I can get to any area in South Wales using the train I'll do it.

Obviously it's all unlikely to be glossy, No whhooosh or Whaarr like Sky Sports. But perhaps in this age of uncertainty that's a good thing. Sport as it was meant to be played. Warts and all.

Until the next time.

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