Saturday 29 October 2016

Still In The Midst Of It All......There's Always A Book

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Well the TV that was in the living room is now in the spare room. An indoor aerial hanging on a ledge connected to a booster actually has worked. Yippee.

Of course that means that we've bought a new one. It has a bigger screen, though not so big that people will ask why we didn't go the whole hog and buy a cinema.

The definition is higher but not so high that you could see nose hairs on whoever's on the wide but not the widest screen that we have now.

And it is also SMART. But not as smart as it thinks it is. Who really wants to go on Twitter or Facebook on the TV? And as for the other apps, a lot of them seem to require a working knowledge of either German or Turkish.

Still we're all relatively happy. Especially the wife, who if you take out sport (admittedly like saying "just ignore the elephant in the room") now seems to watch more television than I do.

Still in the midst of it all there's always a book.

I've explained before that although yet to reveal my job I've made no secret that it's neither glamorous or that it's on fat cat pay. Still it has it's difficulties and for reasons I'll not bore you with working during the next few days is going to be tricky. What I'd not prepared for was that Friday was just as taxing. It's making me feel nervous for the rest of this period.

Still in the midst of it all there's always a book.

There's going to be a second viewing of the house tomorrow afternoon whilst I'm at work. Wife wants to know what to do if an offer is made. Of course I don't know because I don't know what the offer will be. Wife is worried that any delay in responding might damage the chances of selling the house. There is an agreement between us. Should there be an offer she'll come down to where I'm working and discuss it with me.

I won't lie. There is a part of me that does not to be disturbed whilst I'm at work and another part of me nervous in looking for a house ourselves. At the same time there is yet another part of me (man of many parts me ) that wants to make sure that we've made the right decision and we've made it together. All very confusing and tense this.

Still in the midst of it all there's always a book.

And for today that book is Queen Camilla by Sue Townsend. I've read 116 pages of this novel today and I've enjoyed every moment of it. This is what a good book can do when you're seeking a respite from the confusions, uncertainties and fears life brings to the table.

That;s what reading can do,

Until the next time,

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