Saturday 15 June 2019

The Book I Probably Took Too Personally

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

So this is the latest library book I've read.

Rhys Thomas - The Unlikely Heroics of Sam Holloway
I have already mentioned this book in an earlier post. Annoyed as I was in an assertion it made that an only child is a lonely child specifically because he/she is an only child. As you read it further the background  as to why the central character of Sam Holloway feels lonely is far more complex. However he is not as lonely as the blurb and the story sets him out to be. He has friends. His loneliness is of a person who is seeking a companion and is finding that and it's consequences difficult. It is loneliness. But a different type to what the blurb implies.

And so he becomes the Phantasm. the costumed superhero (without any powers) that patrols the streets of the unnamed city (which I've taken given the authors background to be Cardiff).

But along comes a girl Sarah and all of a sudden his lonely but well ordered world comes into question. Can she help him even unintentionally solve the problems in his life? Well you'll have to read on.

Personally I disliked it. And the fact that I took it so personally early on obviously didn't help. Though to be fair to me if you take the mask and costume off this novel is not that original (lonely guy/possible female love interest/love rival for the female).

Beneath the costume then. Not so super.

Until the next time.

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