Sunday, 31 March 2019

Still Going

I asked a man how he was

"Still Going. Still Going

Worked so hard for many hours today

All to be bossed around on minimum pay

But still going, Still going.

Divorced and unloved no woman will look and care

for the Fifty Shades of Grey in my hair

But I'm Still Going, Still Going.

All of my hopes and dreams are gone

Just grey clouds where the sun once shone

But still going, still going.

And then I'm Gone"

Yes that's an admittedly short poem from me who hardly reads any poetry. How come? Well at work I asked a man how he was and that was the answer he gave. It struck me rather like the "mustn't grumble" answer. Why not grumble if it's called for?

So the title is as they "based on real events". The rest is poetic licence.

Until the next time

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