Tuesday 24 May 2016

In Which I'm Made To Wonder Why I'm Not Passionate About Paper Magazines, Another Shop Closes In Bridgend Town And How The Sight Of Police Puts Imagination Into Overdrive

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Today had to go to Bridgend Town to sort out a few things, Once these were done before returning to the car park went into the local ASDA to get some milk. But whilst there I saw this.

Seemingly nothing unusual but...

The thing is that last time I was there the entire aisle was full of magazines. Now however half of them have just disappeared. Some sort of print cull has taken place.

Now to put this into perspective there are about two other aisles crammed full of monthly and weekly periodicals. Still it was a shock. The effect of the internet strikes again.

But am I really bothered? Of course when I was a child comics (or as they are described now "graphic novels") led me to the delights of the book. My father used to give me a comic a day. He knew the point was that they made you want to read. Now at that time there wasn't the internet or a gazillion TV channels. So the distractions, especially when you are an only child were less (and to quickly digress try getting present day youth to think of a world where there are just three channels. They can't do it).

And for the record "back in the day" the American comics were generally better than the British ones. They had better stories, artwork and were in colour. Of the American comics I was a Marvel fan. My favourite being "The Defenders". A sort of left field version of The Avengers with super heroes like Daredevil and Doctor Strange in it.

As I grew older and magazines came into play and must be honest although of course I've bought some it was never on a regular basis. Before the internet I would read and just concentrate on whatever article interested me and skimmed the rest. What the web does is to enable you to target without having to wade into everything else.

Needless to say though I'm a man who collects miscellaneous I've never had the urge to collect magazines. To me they came and went. But now it appears some have permanently gone.

So in truth I lack the emotional will to fight for the paper magazine. Defending the traditional book is where my passions lie.

You may remember that I've chatted about Bridgend Town before. Specifically how the way the Labour council/National Assembly seem to have allowed it to decline through neglect. Well another shop has closed down.

It used to be a womens' clothing shop
Now of course I don't know the specific reasons for this closure. But all of these closures have a cumulative effect of damaging the town. Bridgend Town needs change. It needs a party that will think of the future and not wallow in the past whilst ignoring the present. That party is Plaid Cymru.

This evening went to collect my daughter from guides. I normally park in a turn off near the hall. But not today.

Police,My Camera,Inaction

Those cars in the centre of the picture are police cars. You see one police car and you think thy are responding to a callout. You see two and you think "major incident" "Where's the criminal?". 

A woman came out of the blue car and put something white on. I had visions of CSI Bridgend as she would be examining the crime scene wherever it was wisecracks at the ready whilst scrupulously making sure that she did not contaminate the crime scene.

It turned out to be a white cardigan as she walked away from the forces of Law and Order. Soon after the police left the scene as well.

One final thing I know it's not the season but I noticed this at ASDA's

the Sign Says "The Great British Summer"

But look at the sky. It appears to have emigrated from October to May. As for the phrase ad people like to use at this time "The Great British Summer". Well I remember The Great British Summer of last year.....what a day that was.

Until the next time.

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