Tuesday 4 July 2017

The Return Of The Library......Not Quite Yet

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

I had discovered last week that there were no issues to joining a library near where we now live, even though we were renting. Much as I'm grateful to the Kindle for keeping me sane during the past few months, I'd missed the quiet pleasure of turning a page as opposed to swiping it. I wanted proper books back.

So where I live the nearest library is in the village of Sully, just outside both Penarth and Barry Town. And let's just say the first about it that it's a little on the small side.

And when I say small......

Not only does it make Porthcawl library seem like Wembley Stadium by comparison but when you go inside not all the space is filled with books either. Still, it's a library, and that's the important point. So (trying to state this with a straight face) size doesn't matter.

The other thing that needs to be mentioned here are it's opening hours. Only open on three days, Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday and all that book action commences at eleven o'clock. I'm too new to the area to know why that is, but picking those three days seem odd to me.

Still I had come prepared. My tenacy agreement to show that I lived in an address in the area and my driving licence to show that I am who I say I am. The kindly librarians gave me a form to write and I answered the questions. There it was done, easey peasy  those soon to be expensive because of Brexit lemons squeezey. Grab a couple of books, wish the ladies well and off I go to read by the classic method.


"I'm afraid we can't let you borrow books yet" said the blonde librarian with what sounded like an East European accent. "We're installing a new computer system and it's not quite ready. You'll need to wait for your card".

And when will my card be ready? Thursday came the response.

The trouble with that is from Thursday until Sunday I'm working the early shift. What that means is that by the time I'm driving home from Bridgend I'd be too tired to stop off and pick up a card and choose these books. I'll have to wait seven days time.

So, let's be clear here. New technology has meant I can't enjoy old technology because it's not ready.


Until the next time.

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