Saturday 30 September 2017

Charles Dickens Can Write. Plus the latest Library Visit

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Well it's been a while I know but after a great deal of distractions, including other books to read and, let's face it we're not talking about a slim volume here but anyway David Copperfield has at last been finished.

It is not an easy book to judge. Though I'll start by saying that I did not like it as much as Great Expectations or A Christmas Carol if only because though a novel it seems to be less of a plot and more of a biography. There were moments where we seemed to be led on a wide diversion before going back to the central story.

There are moments, rather as in Great Expectations, when you don't really like David Copperfield the adult,thinking that he's rather stuck up.Then, almost instantly you suddenly become his chief cheerleader in what happens to him ("Give me a D...."). And that's a skill, for the moment when your brain started to wander away from the story Dickens drew you back

So I would say it's a guarded thumbs up. Though I would be surprised if anybody said it was their favourite Dickens.

The next book to reads on the great pile of ebook unread is Main Street by Sinclair Lewis.

Went to the library and got two books. This was the first:

Carole Matthews - The Cake Shop In The Garden
I think it wins the "book cover illustrating what you're going to get award" for this year. Including the praise by Mary Berry.

The other book was:

David Attenborough - Life Stories
Given I've recently praised the sequal I'm expecting great things from this.

Until the next time.

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