Saturday 30 September 2017

In Which David Attenborough Surprises Me. So Does Bridgend Labour Council....To A Point

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

When I borrowed New Life Stories by David Attenborough from the library, I'd made it clear that I didn't think that it was going to appeal to me, given my ambivalent view (in essence like snow I'm more comfortable with animals when picturesque and from a distance).

Now that it's finished must say that I was pleasantly surprised. I've never seen any David Attenborough (or any animal one for that matter) programme but that didn't mean I wasn't aware of his strong reputation beforehand. We have a man who has lasted generations and is probably hero worshipped. He also is so comfortable with animals that he's able to frolic with a family of gorillas (call him a naturalist? Has he ever seen the Planet of the Apes?). Having read New Life Stories you can add writer to the man's talents.

The book basically is a collection of short essays on various subjects. Attenborough's own experiences,particular animals and naturalists from the past. littered with mainly coloured photographs that take your breath away. It's worth a read. Though I will say it hasn't changed my long distance approach to wildlife.

And speaking of long distance, given that I no longer live (though still work) there. We find ourselves back in Bridgend Town. Regular readers will recall the case of the McDonalds in the town that I've mentioned from time to time. That is to say the McDonalds and was closed down and was just left to rot since the turn of the millennium.

Well yesterday I learnt on Twitter that the building is being demolished (and the next time before I go to work I'm going to take a picture of it - an end of an era after all). Now I've no problem with this. It should have been done, oh I don't know much earlier than the seventeen years since it's closure but at least it's being done now. So hurrah for that.


But then I asked someone I knew on Twitter what was going to replace it.

(As an aside the young lady's name is Louvain Rees. She is amongst other things a historian with her own blog which is worth a read )

Her answer was that whilst she was not sure she thought that it was going to be accommodation over some retail outlets. My reaction was that if she was right Bridgend Labour Council was still insane.

Now let's put the issue of accommodation to one side for today, given that we don't know what type of accommodation is going to be built (though if it's like the newly built block nearby trying to appeal to "young professionals" doing "young professionals" things it's really not tapping into the Bridgend Town market currently).

But accommodation over retail outlets? In a town that can't fill the retail outlets that it already has? Nolton Arcade for example. Aside from the two shops that go onto the street every single shop has closed.It's nothing short of madness. I've said before with regard to Welsh Labour that big ideas should come second to revitalising what's already there. Creating potentially even more empty retail space is not going to help the town. Particularly now with the worries regarding Ford Bridgend engine plant as I explained in the previous post.

Until the next time.

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