Tuesday 19 September 2017

Last Chance To See....Probably....Maesteg Indoor Market

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Well I had planned to do this last week, but events sort of took over. This time however I was ready. Dropped daughter off school and then drove to Maesteg to properly say goodbye to the indoor market in the town.

To recap for those who have not previously read my posts on the issue (which started about twelve months ago). Bridgend Labour council announced that they had intended to apply for EU money(!) to pay for repairs to the old Maesteg Town Hall (of which the market is at the basement) and to transform it into a "cultural hub" (whatever that actually means beyond the mind of a marketing consultant).

Part of that transformation was that two libraries in Maesteg were going to close and were to be moved to where the indoor market is at present (which I should remind people is exactly the opposite of what they used EU money for regarding Bridgend Town centre - There the town centre library was moved away from the town centre).

Essentially then they were going to close a 135 year old market. Using partially a library as a weapon against it.

Despite opposition from the traders and customers the villains won. Mainly because as I understand it people in the town assumed that the decision could not be reversed. Consequently business suffered. Most stalls have either closed or have moved to other premises. So in effect. subject to an event of such biblical proportions it might make me reconsider my atheism, Maesteg Indoor Market is going to die relatively soon.

So today I entered the market for the last time.

If markets could cry this would be weeping buckets right now

This stall sold food and as I remember it clothes from one time and another.

The other thing that struck you as you walk in is how in these scenes of utter desolation stall after stall empty but for it's memories, stood in contrast to the happy go lucky sounds of Ken Bruce and BBC Radio 2 from the tannoy. I kid you not.

To the left of the entrance was a café (which has apparently moved to new premises)

You could just wander through

Apologies for the blurring
I've had an all day breakfast in this café, I've met Leanne Wood in this café when she was campaigning for the Welsh Assembly elections for Plaid Cymru. All just things to reminisce about now.

And of course the MAWS bookstall. They too have moved to new premises. Meaning what was once full of books is now......

There was one stall that I could see open. Not the one I was expecting though.

The stall at the centre left selling meats etc
But even this stall had a sign saying that it was going to move sometime around September.

And one other thing to note here. I read an column about the market in the local paper from Conservative Assembly Member Suzy Davies (and yes I'm about to give a Tory credit here). For whilst there were points in the article I would argue with (it's really too late and too academic to bore you with here) she made one point that I've mentioned on this blog before.

It's this. Everything that the Welsh Labour Council is planning assumes that they will get the EU money. But what if they don't? She (as have I) notes the lack of a Plan B. Is there a Plan B? If not why not? And if there is a Plan B, would it have required the closure of the market?

Ms Davies has said she will confront Bridgend Labour Council on this. I hope she does. I'm assuming that Plaid Cymru will support her specifically regarding this.

But as I've said. The chances of Maesteg Indoor Market surviving are slim. So thankyou Maesteg Indoor Market for the memories. I'm sorry that it's apparently ending this way.

Until the next time.

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