Sunday 8 October 2017

Flu...responsible for all the fun things in life

Hello there. Hope  you're feeling well today.

And I am feeling well. Yes I am. A slight sniffle, a dryness of the throat requiring more than the normal gallons of tea that goes down my gullet but for the most part am perfectly fine thankyou for much.

All around me though people seem to be affected by one bug after another. I know it's the season for all of this but it seems to have struck earlier than normal. It's early October not January after all.

My mother was the first to be affected. She suffered with what appeared to be flu. So she was feeling weak in the morning, better as the day goes on. Confident when she went to be bed only to find herself in this groundhog flu when she woke up again.

Thankfully she's feeling a lot better. Barring a hacking cough. But she seems to have got off better than her nephew, roughly thirty years younger, who showing the same symptoms was rushed to hospital because in his weakened state caught pneumonia. He missed his brother's wedding because he was too busy spending his time attached to a ventilator in a local hospital (back home now. Still not one hundred percent though).

There was also a friend of my mother who found himself  in bed for two whole days.

So what that means is that I try to comfort my mother by calling her a "tough old bird". Something I don't think she appreciates.

Closer to home daughter is alright physically and unfortunately for her healthy enough to go to school but she too suffered from a bad cold, a cough and a sore throat so bad her voice was as croaky as a phalanx of frogs (that last part causing me to punch the air in front of her - a quiet apartment! - the diplomatic and caring father that I am). She is better now, though apparently addicted to hot honey and lemon.

The wife too has been under the weather but not enough to stop her going to work.

And as for me, a slight sniffle, a dryness of the throat but otherwise fine. This means that there are one of three scenarios happening here.

1) I am Superman

2) I am the carrier

or most worryingly

3) The bugs, getting stronger by the day, are getting ready to attack me.

I wish I was Superman. But given I woke up at 3:55am in the morning I know this isn't the case. My insomnia is back.

Until the next time.

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