Thursday 26 October 2017

So This is How Feuds Start. From The Parking Spot

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Apartment living then. I like it on the whole. Certainly to rent anyway. You can enjoy that modern feel it gives without being too attached. If we had rented a house I feel that in the long term that attachment might have been a problem.

However there are certain compromises that need to be made. We are allocated car parking spots. Spots that we have to use no matter what. We cannot use any other spot for fear that the management company might do something to the car as punishment, like for example clamping.

Well last Saturday the unthinkable happened. Somebody parked in the spot. My spot. So I had to park on a different space and inform the concierge. Whilst it did have the feel of telling the teacher, and what was done was cheeky the main reason I had to do it was to tell them I had to park in a different unallocated space so that no action was taken on my car.

That seemed to have had the effect. The car was moved from my spot and we all moved on.

Fast forward then to today (Wednesday) and I'm returning to the apartment complex. Whose car seemed to be in front of me than the one that the one that tried to take my spot. He parked first and then I did the same. So when I was walking to the block he was a fair distance in from me me.

So he's in front of me as we're walking  and I recognise him. He's slightly taller than me, slightly wider and slightly younger. He also has a dog and is living in the same floor as us.It was I thought a vision of me in a parallel universe.

Then a for a quick moment he turns. The look I should stress was neither violent or hostile. But at the same time we're not going to be friends either. Clearly asking him in the future for some milk is going to be out of the question.

The look I gave him was one of no reaction at all. As if he wasn't there. Which I suspect will infuriate him more.

And in an instant he was through the doors and gone.

So that's life at work.

Until the next time

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