Thursday 3 November 2016

As The Nights Draw In And I Get Older Perhaps I Should Do Some More Kindling

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

I have never hid the fact that I'm a fifty two year old man. Soon indeed to be fifty three. And although I'd like to consider myself to be in relatively good health (not sportsperson health you understand just the rest of the human race) I know that I'm not the man I was ten,let alone twenty years ago.

My stomach shall we say takes a greater circumference of the Earth's atmosphere than it used to. My teeth it appears is more venerable to being cracked by a Subway Hearty Italian roll (happened last Tuesday). And when I look at a young woman wearing a short skirt my first thought is "I'm not having my daughter dressed like that".

Still there are things where my body has been older than my years. I've worn glasses since I was nine. I remember the first pair I choose. Specifically picked as they were like the ones Joe 90 wore. A hero who wears spectacles would always be a role model since then. Though my eyesight has thankfully stabilised I will always need to wear a pair for the rest of my life (and in case you're wondering contact lenses are a no no for me as the thought of double glazing inserted into my eye socket does not attract).

But recently I've noticed a problem when reading at night. Not where all the lights are bright and the occupant gets a thankyou letter from the electricity company but in a normal room where a single solitary bulb bravely does it's best to shine around the area. Reading in these conditions has become uncomfortable.Not painful or I can't see just that I feel my eyes focusing more on the page than at daylight or in a more brightly coloured room.

Which leads me to the Kindle (other e readers are available). Whilst I've never hidden the fact that I own one I've only used them in particular circumstances, such as on holiday or where a particular book is not available easily in its paper form. The thing is that it has a backlight,making reading at night easier.

So I've decided to read the Kindle at night. Not immediately, given that I've currently six books on the go, but when I've whittled it down to a more manageable level.

It's not a decision I like but I'd rather read from an e reader than not read at all.

Until the next time.

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