Thursday 21 December 2017

Have You Had An Accident At Work? Well Actually....

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

I'm at work. I've said before that I don't have a glamourous or important job, but it's a job and I know what I'm doing.

I've got things to do and I know how to do it. I've a binder in my hand. I'm master of all I survey.....

And then...splat!!

I tripped..not only did I trip for a few moments I flew...before coming down to a hard floor.

My glasses scattered in front of me. For a few moments was not sure how I was feeling but then slowly got up. Aches on my arms and my legs. Unfortunately for all accident lawyers everywhere I wasn't unwell enough not to continue working.

I was hurting though. A few hours later realised that the right knee seemed to take worse of it all. It's swollen. Not broken though, I can bend it. Still when walking feel as if an extra weight has been added.

My colleagues? They laughed.

When I came back later that night I told my wife what happened....she laughed.

When my daughter heard about it ......she laughed.

When I told my mother about it over the phone she laughed as well!!!

The morning after wife showed a little more concern. After all a swelling is there and I'm clearly not walking properly.

Too late though.

And now for the first time on the blog. Naked flesh.

It's Hurting People

It's a little better now. But still makes it's presence felt. Particularly when I'm walking.

Until the next time.

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