Thursday 15 March 2018

The Essex Exile Epilogue....Hopefully

Hello there. Hope you're feeling well today.

Well after a period of about three months I've left my mother back in Essex and have returned to Wales alone. Whilst she is not one hundred percent better, she is well enough to look after herself now allowing me to come home with a clear conscience.

What have I learnt in all of this? Well I now know that Harlow is a far better place than it's reputation and that the TV series Bones has become a surprising favourite with me, creeping up as if unawares.

And of course I've missed seeing my wife and daughter during this period. And yes, I've missed Wales as well. For as I think I've mentioned before whilst I would certainly defend Essex to all comers it's not home.

But of course the most important thing is my mother's health. And although she is better a line has been crossed that all children no matter how old have to face. For when you have seen a parent in hospital for a length of time then there comes a moment when you realise that you're the parent now.

I have mentioned to her that she should move to Wales and live if not near then with us. For the first time she has not argued.

That is how much the events of the past few months have hit her.

Until the next time.

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